
Toymaker Information & Other toys


Build An Heirloom Rocking Horse

For Your Child or Grandchild



The design for any toy I make must satisfy three important criteria. First, the shape and appearance must be pleasing to the eye. I prefer a simple design that suggests the horse, yet leaves the imagination free to add the details. Also, if the appearance is nice, the horse will become a permanent part of a home's decor when children grow, rather than garage sale fodder. Once the child climbs on, the second criterion becomes important. Any toy has to be safe. It should not have sharp edges or a toxic finish. It should be low to the floor to minimize falls and their consequences. In a rocking horse, which moves by its nature, the motion should be limited. I use a gradual curve on the rockers to make over-turning difficult. Finally, a toy needs to be durable. Nothing is as disappointing as a broken favorite toy. The "acquire and cast-off" cycle of mass-merchandised toys doesn't teach values I respect. I want my children to be good judges of quality and value. Finely made toys help teach these lessons.

Many people have told me stories of their favorite childhood toy and how they continue to derive pleasure from it. Others have expressed sadness that a favorite toy was given to a cousin or friend. They never seem to come back. The most emotional stories come from those who have a toy made by a parent or grandparent. They value it far more than its objective worth.

I recommend that you personalize your horse in some way. This can be simply carving an inscription, attaching an engraved brass plate or signing and dating in permanent ink. This vastly increases the chances that your horse will become a family heirloom. Heirloom seems an overworked word in our modern world, but your horse will deserve the description.

A consideration important to me, but less so to you, is the ease of construction. Because I trade my toymaking for dollars in the marketplace, I need to make a horse quickly so that I can sell it at a reasonable price. You can spend more time on yours and make it even more wonderful. I expect you can complete your horse in about ten hours. Balance this small effort against decades of happy rocking children.


by  John Michael Linck  Toymaker

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The only trouble with designing and working in wood is that it has the advantage - or disadvantage, however you look at it - of being beautiful in itself...take a piece of wood - plane, sand and oil it, and you will find it is a beautiful thing. The more you do to it from then on, the more chance that you will make it worse. Therefore, working with a material of such natural beauty, I feel that we have to design very quietly and use simple forms.

Tage Frid

Teaches Woodworking - 1979




Time is a dimension of all workmanship.

It all fails, to be sure: but it fails either sooner or later.

Durability is thus a preoccupation of every workman.

David Pye

The Nature and Art of Workmanship




Too often we are restricted and limited by defects in the wood. But defective according to whom? To some of us the perfect tree would be straight, square and free of limbs and branches. What a forest that would make!

Dale Nish