Excerpt from
my book
Build An
Heirloom Rocking Horse
Once you have
your dowels you need some drill bits. Since dowels
vary in diameter you need to match your drill bit
to the dowels you will be using. I use common high
speed twist drills in a variety of sizes. Most
hardware suppliers sell these bits in 1/16 inch
increments. These won't do, so you may need to
locate a more professional hardware store. You will
be looking for letter size bits. These vary by only
a few thousandths of an inch in diameter. I own
sizes T, U, 3/8, V, W. This range seems to fit
nearly any "3/8" dowel I've found.
I also regrind
the drill points to produce a brad point. Master
woodworker James Krenov says, "A simple way to make
what we in Europe call a cabinetmaker's drill is to
regrind an ordinary straight-shank metal drill.
This may sound complicated but...you can easily
produce drills with a sharp center spur and very
sharp, clean-cutting edges." (The Fine Art of
Cabinetmaking, page 133) A center spur or brad
point reduces the chance of error. I use my belt
sander to regrind my drills. Some supply houses are
selling brad point drills in slightly under and
over sizes today. Years ago I had to make my own
and still do. It's much cheaper.