I was fortunate to grow up in a series of three
houses that my family continually remodeled. This
meant a basement workshop in each one. I remember
working with my father on countless projects and I
learned from him on each one. At age nine I used
his jig saw and made miniature buildings and
trestles for my model train layout. Later, at
twelve, Dad and I invested $50.00 each and
purchased a used radial arm saw. (By now my lawn
mowing business was bringing in really big money,
at two or three dollars per lawn.) This was our
first real bench tool. We used this saw to build
everything from furniture to a family room. While
there were never any formal lessons I learned much
from the many hours in the workshop with Dad. Each
year our projects grew in complexity and my skills
improved. Now my basement workshop takes nearly the whole
basement, rather than the corner in Dad's, but the
lessons learned in that corner find daily
application today.
I am glad my father gave me the freedom to
explore those basement workshops. Many parents
today would shrink at the risk of real tools,
sometimes without supervision. But, the advantages
were wonderful for me.
Thanks Dad

Joseph Phillip Linck
1924 - 2005