Wooden Nutcracker made of various hardwoods

Nutcracker and Nuts


(for adults too)

This design is hundreds of years old and cracks any nut very effectively (well to be fully honest it isn't so good on coconuts).

Other nuts are slowly crushed and meats remain whole, while the shells are neatly contained. The highly sanded wood is a joy to touch while the mechanical action is smooth and effective.

Each nutcracker is made from several woods from this list – Cherry, Walnut, Ash, Sugar Maple, Birds Eye Maple and Red Oak.

The nutcracker is about 4.5 inches wide.



2 nutcrackers for



I learned a lesson in marketing with this nutcracker.

I have made nutcrackers for many years and back in the 90's a few were selling at each art fair I attended at that time. This was a welcome bit of extra income. I don't remember why, but at one fair I brought along a basket of nuts as samples. Wow! Nearly every person walking by would try out a nutcracker to see how it would work. After 3 hours I had sold my entire stock of 30 nutcrackers. The rest of the fair I kicked myself for not bringing nuts sooner. The hands-on demonstration was very effective. Needless to say I included nuts at every fair after that lesson.

Similarly most of my toy customers come to me by referral these days. People see the toys in other homes and quickly appreciate their value. I guess watching a child play with my toys is a bit like trying out a nutcracker. So I spend less time on the road and more in the workshop making these toys.

God gives the nuts

but he does not crack them.

German Proverb



The nut doesn't reveal the tree it contains.

Proverb from ancient Egypt


The trains are beautiful! They arrived safe and sound and Bill and I have been playing with them. The boys will really go wild when they see them. We just hope we'll keep to our plan of giving them each an engine and one car for Christmas and then one car at a time as each holiday arrives. (Somehow I think we'll invent some new holidays just so they can enjoy each piece as soon as possible).

Thanks so much - we'll treasure them.

Beth and Bill

Dear Mr. Linck,

This Christmas, for the third year in a row now, my daughters received one of your pieces of craftsmanship. My stepfather is always thanked profusely. Somehow I also want to thank the person whose skill, time, patience and craftsmanship goes into these magnificent things. In a world of Target products, your work is so much more solid.

We will treasure these toys for generations!

Sincerely, Robin


John Michael Linck - Toymaker

2618 Van Hise Avenue - Madison, Wisconsin 53705

Web site catalog at - www.woodentoy.com

Telephone ( 608 ) 231 - 2808

email - john@woodentoy.com

Musings from the toymaker's workshop

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